Following the implementation of phase II of Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy, wellness services are now allowed to operate. However, to comply with government guidelines and follow recommendations by our professional association, Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC), I will have to operate slightly differently.
Let me give a brief outline:
– My practice is now solely located at my home-based studio in Woodlands, Calgary SW. This allows me to be in full control of providing a safe treatment environment for my clients.
– I will keep appointments to one client per day, to maintain the treatment room clean, hygienic and well aired at all times.
– Clients who I have seen at their home in the past will continue to have this option.
– For the time being I will only accept returning clients as well as referrals.
– All clients are required to fill out and sign the NHPC Covid-19 Waiver prior to every session.
– I ask that clients wash hands before and after each treatment session.
– Mask wearing is optional. (If you prefer that I wear a mask, I will.)
– Props will be kept to a minimum. We will only use what can be changed, washed and disinfected after each session.
I am pleased I can return to do what I love doing!!
I trust you have been looking after yourself and kept well despite the many challenges over the past months. I look forward to hearing from you, discuss the above in more detail, and hopefully see you in the near future.