Although Yoga and Thai Yoga Massage are two different practices, some similarities are evident, which comes as no surprise, as both are firmly rooted in Eastern philosophy and history. When I recently read a short discourse on The Effects of Yoga, by Senior Iyengar Yoga teacher, Eyal Shifroni, I could not help but liken it to The Effects of Thai Yoga Massage.
Here is what Eyal Shifroni says:
If you look at yoga as merely an exercise method, it’s the most intelligent method . Yoga develops the body in a balanced way – it strengthens both muscles and flexibility. Beyond that (and much more importantly) Yoga not only works on the muscles, it works on all systems of the body: digestive, respiratory, circulatory ,immune, hormone secretion and more.
Our health depends on proper and balanced functioning of the internal organs and the efficiency of our waste system’s transportation and disposal. Yoga , by the actions of stretching, squeezing, extension, reaches all the internal organs and rejuvenates them. It maintains the flexibility of arteries and thus balances blood pressure, it expands the lungs and helps supply fresh oxygen to all parts of the body (especially the head and brain – in inversions ). Yoga balances the hormones and glands operation, retaining all normal bodily functions (including women’s menstrual cycle).
Yoga does wonders for reducing stress and creating mental peace enhancing the action of the para – sympathetic nervous system. Many studies have found links between stress and diseases therefore creating harmony and peace of mind also helps in maintaining health.
But Yoga is not just an exercise method, yoga develops one holistically, operating on different dimensions of ourselves: physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual ……